
Our Mission: To encourage others to Keep God First in everything they do.

In the fall/winter season of '93, my family and I moved from the Felix Gonzales Apartments to a house on Rosewood Ave.This is where it all started.

From my mother taking my sister and I to church to learn about God, my Father working hard to provide for his family, and coming up in humble beginnings, I would begin to learn what it is to Keep God First.Growing up here lead me to come up with the name for the brand.

The slogan for the brand comes from the bible verse Matthew 6:33, it reads”But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

In the verses prior, its talks about not worrying about your life, what you’ll eat or drink, clothes, or your body and it goes on.My personal interpretation is that, if you Keep God First and do His will for your life, He will provide everything needed for the journey and you will have his favor.That gives me peace and joy because the creator of the universe has a plan and is more than capable to provide.

The dope thing I’ve noticed consistently is when you hear someone giving a speech, advice and/or encouragement you’ll hear them say,” Keep God First", and an uplifting message to follow, etc.”Thats something that a great amount of people can relate to because thats what they believe.Their aim is to put their trust in God because they know that he will take care of them because they are seeking after His will.What a beautiful message.

If this slogan relates to you join me in encouraging others to Keep God First.Thank You and God Bless!

- Joshua Carranza